screenmessage Your fullscreen message online gives you the opportunity to leave notes at your friends screen without looking for a pen, searching for papers. Without doubt they'll check your note. You might as well remind yourself how pretty you are by leaving some compliments at your own screen.

Step 1

Open on the screen you're about to display your message. Use this tool to directly post your message at your friends/husbands/colleagues or your very own screen.

To make it more personal you can add your name.


Step 2

If you don't have the nuts or the time to use someone else's PC, this tool gives you the opportunity to post your message using a manual custom URL. So you can mail it easily and make it more personal. It's also more easy to remember your own designed URL.

By not using this option, automatically links an URL to your message.


Enter your personal URL


Step 3

Press the 'save'-button and view your message fullscreen.

We try to never delete the messages, so don't add sensitive information. To protect your privacy we block search engines so they are not able to crawl your messages.


About me

I'm Adriaan, a Dutch guy who loves the internet right from it's start. Yet a year ago I made up this website, but I thought it still needed a makover. Well, here it is! How do you like it? Some things you would change? Please, help me improve it and send over your suggestions via X.


Website made by Adriaan - founder of Simple Analytics and UniHosted